

  • Generate a Counterparty Wallet via Counterparty, Coindaddy, or a mobile wallet at Indiesquare, and/or Tokenly 
  • Fill the wallet address with a little Bitcoin and XCP which is available at many Exchanges as well as Shapeshift
  • Ask for some GENCOIN by sending your Counterparty aware Bitcoin public address to admin@blockchaintoken.com, turn-around times vary
    Never send the Private Key
  • The other fun way to obtain GENCOIN, is by downloading the Takara app from Mandelduck, integrating it with your Indiesquare wallet and obtaining them from various geographic locations around the United States and some parts of World.
  • The third method of obtaining Gencoin is right from your Counterparty Wallet via the Distributed Exchange.
  • Do with the coin as you please. Have fun, get creative, and most importantly...don't stress, life is fun.